Course description

This course has three goals:

  1. To support the development of generals papers and other new research in phonology (including my own!)
  2. To provide a selective survey of recent experimental and computational research in phonology
  3. To help participants develop skills in using R for statistical analysis and other types of modeling work

Each week’s classes will include three activities:

  1. Research presentation by me
  2. Research presentation by you
  3. Discussion of R/stats

For the first two, I have created a draft syllabus that includes a set of papers/topics that I will present, coupled with suggestions of related papers that you could present. I would also like you to present at least one research idea/finding of your own to the class relatively early on in the semester, in addition to the presentation of your term project at the end of the semester. We will modify the syllabus as the semester goes on. I’ll be adding dates a week or two in advance to the syllabus page, and will also announce the next week’s activities in weekly posts every Friday.

For the third goal/activity, we’ll work our way through Michael J. Crawley’s Statistics: An Introduction using R. We won’t use a lot of class time for this – you’ll need to read the assigned sections and run the examples yourself beforehand.

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