UMass Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Lab

The UMass+ Trapped Ions Quantum Computing and Photonics lab develops integrated technologies like photonics for trapped ion quantum processor units (QPUs). One of the main obstacles for large scale and fault tolerant quantum computing with trapped ion qubits is the difficulty of individually addressing multiple ions using external optical lenses. Developing trapped ion quantum processors with integrated photonics and other integrated technologies like laser sources, digital and analog electronics and single photon detectors may enable the next generation of quantum hardware towards large scale quantum computers and practical applications.

Ion trapping command center (Chris and Bob) showing a single trapped ion during warm up calibrations and ARTIQ programming.

We trap ions with surface electrode traps designed, fabricated, and packaged here at UMass Amherst. This includes applications of surface treatments to clean the surface and reduce anomalous heating rates.

SEM of UMass logo in the trap metal of an ion trap test chip after fabrication.

We have open positions if you’re interested in joining our lab.

The UMass+ room temperature ion trap system (Bob and Chris)

Prior Work at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Image above shows real data of laser beam profiles emitted from photonic grating couplers in the surface of a trapped ion QPU. Each beam was profiled independently and then superimposed over an image of the chip surface. Ions trapped at the intersection of the beams were controlled entirely via integrated photonics for the first time. (Chip was designed, fabricated and characterized entirely at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, results published in Nature.)

Work by PI while at MITLL demonstrating multiple photonic zones of interaction on a trapped ion quantum processor with integrated photonics with shuttling to a centralized external beam detection zone.

Check out our research page for more details.