The University of Massachusetts Amherst

How to Google!

Google, the world’s most popular search engine, usually does a great job finding what we need with little information for us. But what about when Google isn’t giving us the hits we need?
This article will go over commonly unused tips that will help refine your search and tell Google exactly what you’re searching for. It will also go over fun, new features of Google.



1. Filter Results by Time
Users can now browse only the most recent results. After searching “Tools” will appear on the right below the search bar. If you click on ‘Tools’, ‘Any time’ and ‘All Results’ will appear under the search bar. Under ‘Any time’ there are options to show results ranging from the past hour to the past year.


2. Search Websites for Specific Words
If you are searching through a specific website you can now search for keywords. Ex: to see how many times Forbes mentioned Kylie Jenner you would simply type “Kylie Jenner”.


3. Search Exact Phrases and Quotes
A more commonly used trick is typing quotation marks around words or phrases to tell Google to only show results contain the exact words in quotes


4. Omit Certain Words Using the Minus Sign
In contrast to the last tip, using “-aword” will omit results containing the word right after the minus sign. For example typing “Apple -iPhone” will get rid of all results containing iPhone with the word Apple.


5. Use Google as a timer
Now Google has a stopwatch and timer feature that will show up by just searching “set timer”. No need to mess around on apps when you can just pull it up on the internet!


6. Search Newspaper Archives from the 1800s
Search “google news archive search” and the first link will bring you to a page with the names of hundreds of newspapers. You can browse issues of Newspapers by date and name.


7.  Use Google to Flip a Coin
Need help making a decision? Simply search “flip a coin” and Google will flip a virtually generated coin and give you an answer of heads or tails.


8. Search Through Google’s Other Sites
Google has other search engines for specific types of results. For example, if you’re searching for a blog use “Google Blog Search” or if you want to search for a patent use “Google Patent Search”, etc.


Now with these Google tips you can search Google like a pro!
Google Hardware

Google’s Chromecast: Turn your TV into a Smart TV

What is it?

Google’s Chromecast is currently the best-selling Electronic product on Amazon, and there’s a good reason why. People have been looking for the quickest and cheapest way to get content from the services they subscribe to their TV’s. Although there are gaming consoles, and set-top boxes that achieve this, Chromecast’s a little different. It’s a simple HDMI dongle, in a shape similar to a USB Drive. All it needs to operate is some USB power, which most TV’s can already provide via their USB servicing port and a connection to a wireless network, which in the age of everything wireless, many people are apt to have.