Inspired by the drawings, photographs, and etchings of Frank A. Waugh (1869-1943), an overlooked pioneer who promoted ideas about native planting design and the emerging field of modern ecology.
Frank opened the landscape gardening class today with a new scheme of instruction. There will also be practical problems such as the B and M RR grounds. I got back to work today.
Frank worked on plans for improvement of railway facilities in Central Vermont and B and M stations. Not feeling well. Slept most of the day in Tribeca.
Frank went around to look at trees for removal on campus with Manning today. At 4:30 am I boarded a bus for NYC to help with the installation of the group show in Brooklyn. The Undergraduate Conference was going on at home.
Frank met with Manning today and in the evening gave a lecture on Europe at the grange (stereoptic). This was one of my last classes. It was busy getting graded work back to students today.
Today was another hard day of work for Frank. He lectured at Cushman in the evening. We are celebrating Patriot’s Day today. I am reminded that it is also my sister’s birthday. This will be the first one alone since her husband passed. Wish she could visit here, since I am not able to go there until the summer break.
Frank reports about his hard day of work, typical for his Monday. He also confesses that he is having a nervous spell. Around this time of the semester I can well understand how such stresses can trigger anxiety. Today is fortunately a Sunday for us with some room to catch up.