This week in Sociology: April 20-24, 2009

Monday April 20

PATRIOT’S DAY- No Classes!

Tuesday April 21


Advising: PREREGISTRATION ADVISING from 3:00-4:30pm in the Thompson Hall Linux Lab (1st floor through the café)

Appointments with the Director of Advising: 11:30-1:30, 704 Thompson Hall

Walk-in Peer Advising: 2:30-4:30, 722 Thompson Hall

Speaker: Thandika Mkandawire, Director of the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development (UNRISD) will present, “The New Poverty Agenda in Africa: A Social Policy Perspective,” at 4:00pm, Gordon Hall (PERI) 3rd Floor.

Wednesday April 22

Advising: PREREGISTRATION ADVISING from 3:00-4:30pm in the Thompson Hall Linux Lab (1st floor through the café)

Walk-in Peer Advising: 2:30-4:30, 722 Thompson Hall

Panel Discussion: Race and its Effects on Asian/Pacific/American Student Identity Panel Discussion, 7-8:30pm in the Betty Shabazz Cultural Center, Mount Holyoke College

This panel critically analyzes the differences and similarities between what is often categorized as international Asians and domestic Asian Americans at MHC. It emphasizes common struggles and experiences, which can transcend national identities. This may separate and disempower us from acting together against injustices toward both international and domestic Asians at MHC and in the larger US context, due to our perceived identity as one kind of Asian in the U.S. This panel addresses the political international events that affect the overall status and identity of Asians in America. It interrogates Asian/Pacific/American identity on the MHC campus, the formation, fluidity and spectrum that exists between categories

Thursday April 23

Advising: PREREGISTRATION ADVISING from 1:00-3:00 pm in the Thompson Hall Linux Lab (1st floor through the café)

Appointments with the Director of Advising: 11:30-1:30, 704 Thompson Hall

Walk-in Peer Advising: 10:00-2:00, 722 Thompson Hall

Speaker: Kat Jones will present “Equal in Worth But Different in Function? Gender Ideology and the Ideal Romantic Relationship Script of Evangelical Teenagers,” 12:30pm, Campus Center Room 905-09

Kat Jones is a Phd student in Sociology at UMass Amherst, where she is also working on her graduate certificate in Women’s Studies. Kat is the co-author, with Miliann Kang, of “Why do People get Tattoos?” in the Winter 2007 issue of Contexts. Her research interests are sexuality, gender, culture and transnational families. She has presented her work on evangelical teenagers’relationship scripts at the ASA and Add-Health User’s Conference. She is currently studying groups that promote sexual abstinence until marriage.

Friday April 24

Advising: PREREGISTRATION ADVISING from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Thompson Hall Linux Lab (1st floor through the café)

Appointments with the Director of Advising: 11:30-1:30, 704 Thompson Hall

Walk-in Peer Advising: 2:30-4:30, 722 Thompson Hall

Friday April 24- Saturday April 25

Colloquium on the Constitution and the Imagining of America (CIA,)Alumni House, Spring Street- Amherst College

“Racial Politics in American Culture: A Continuing Constitutional Dilemma”. Guest speakers will be Charles Gallagher, La Salle University; Victor Bolden, NAACP Legal Defense Fund; Carol Hardy-Fanta, University of Massachusetts/Boston; and John Brittain, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. All are welcome.

Phone Contact 413-542-2380 For a complete schedule, go to

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