Welcome Fall 2009 Transfer Students!

For a quick afternoon each summer, the Sociology Department gets a chance to welcome its new transfer students. During this time, we know that you are bombarded with information from a variety of people and offices.

So that we don’t overwhelm you any further, we have collected some important information about the department in a handy little guide The Sociology Majors Student Handbook. This guide includes information about:

  • Advising
  • Sociology Major requirements
  • Certificates and Letters
  • Sociology Courses
  • Sociology Honors Program
  • Global Education requirement
  • Study Abroad
  • Careers and Internships
  • Faculty interests and research

You don’t have to remember everything in this handbook- just keep it close by in case you need to reference it.

We wish you the best of luck during orientation and look forward to meeting all of you very soon.

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