Spring Break: Road Trip or Career Path??

We know you’re as pumped as we are for this much needed week of sleeping, eating, traveling, and other un-scholarly activities, BUT maybe, just maybe, you can capitalize on your time and get caught up with extra-curricular responsibilities . . . . wince.

Here are some suggestions of things you could spend ONE DAY of your academic hiatus taking care of:

  • Seniors: How’s your resume looking?  Do you have one?

–  Take a day to polish your resume, research internships, or get LinkedIn

Write to your professors to ask for career guidance, research internships & jobs

– Are you graduating?  Check out SPIRE or call the Whitmore Senior Staff at 577-3058

  • Juniors:  You’re about to be seniors!  How does next year look?  Do you have a summer internship?

– Ask your professors for opportunities in research internships this summer

– Did you study abroad this year?  Tie up loose ends to be sure to get credit

– Thinking about Grad School?  This is the summer to study for/take the GRE and begin the application process; look into Kaplan courses and other resources to prepare

  • Sophomores:  Did you want to study abroad next year?  Where?  Will you work on your Global Ed Requirements?

– Peruse the IPO website for ideas on location, credit information, and financial aid options

– Find out when the next Abroad Info Meeting is and sign up!

– Have you considered any minors or certificates?  Come into peer advising to find out how many options are available to you as a sociology major!

You’ve got 9 days of freedom; why not take ONE to get ahead?

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