Finals week is upon us….

Sociology Majors…..good luck on finals and final papers!

Need a place to study?

Since some of you may be looking for more quiet spaces to study,

in addition to the Library being open 24X7, the Center for Student Development and the Campus Center will sponsor STUDY UNION during Finals Week.

The Student Union building will be open from Sunday, December 12th through the morning of Thursday December 16th on a 24 hour basis for study. Food will be available for purchase in the Hatch from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. each night.

Additionally, free coffee will be available outside of the Hatch area. There will be multiple rooms for silent study and group study available for students. This initiative will provide alternative study space for students and hopefully relieve some of the overcrowding that can happen in the Library during Finals Week.

But remember to rest and relax too!!

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