Student Awards for Sociology Majors

BEST SOCIOLOGICAL WRITING AWARD: For the best paper, exam, or written product written by a sociology major in a sociology course, independent study, as a thesis, or for any other purpose if the focus is on sociological issues and concepts. Paper should have been written Spring 2010- Fall 2010.

Nominations may be made by faculty or by students; students are very much encouraged to nominate themselves. Students should submit a copy of the paper, submitting either by electronic means (which is preferred) or in hard copy, by Friday April 1 aPRIL 8 @ noon to Juliet Carvajal, (or to 712 Thompson).

A decision on the award winner will be made by a committee of two students and two faculty. The award winner will receive a cash prize and is expected to attend the award ceremony (scheduled for April 28).

JANE ADDAMS’ SOCIOLOGY IN PRACTICE AWARD: Nominations may be made by faculty or students; students are very much encouraged to nominate themselves. Statements (typically perhaps two pages) should explain why the student should be considered for the award, and provide any additional documentation the student believes would be helpful to the committee. This award might recognize many different sorts of accomplishment, including for example work on an internship, activity connected with a group working on an issue or cause, a summer activity, a job-related activity, or any other activity that used sociological ideas and insights to address some problem or issue. Statements should discuss the actions undertaken, explain how they relate to sociology, consider what practical effect (if any) the actions had, and consider in what ways (if any) the student learned from the experience.

Student sociology majors should submit a statement either by electronic means (which is preferred) or in hard copy, by Friday April 1 April 8 @ noon to Juliet Carvajal, (or to 712 Thompson).

A decision on the award winner will be made by a committee of two students and two faculty. The award winner will receive a cash prize and is expected to attend the award ceremony (scheduled for April 28).

C. WRIGHT MILLS AWARD: This award is open to all junior and senior sociology majors. In your own words (does not need to be a formal essay), with a maximum of three double-spaced pages, please answer the following question: “How has sociology affected your college experience?” Some of the ways to approach the essay include: Has your point of view changed because of sociology? Has a major in sociology affected your anticipated career path since you left high school? How has sociology helped you understand yourself and/or the world? Has a sociology-based internship or independent study been important?

Sociology majors should submit a statement either by electronic means (which is preferred) or in hard copy, by Friday April 1 April 8 @ noon to Juliet Carvajal, (or to 712 Thompson). Submitted essays will have all identifying information removed.

Decision on the award will be made by a committee of undergraduate sociology majors. The award winner will receive a cash prize and is expected to attend the award ceremony (scheduled for April 28).

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