Welcome Back Sociology Majors!

We hope you’ve enjoyed a restful and/or productive summer.

What’s New in Sociology This Year?

Professor Farine Parvez will be joining us as a new Assistant Professor in the department. She joins us from the University of California, Berkley and will be teaching Sociology 401: Theory Her research interests include: political sociology, gender, racial institutions, development & globalization, social theory, ethnography & qualitative methods, and the sociology of religion.

Distribution requirements: students declaring the sociology major Fall 2011 or later will be following a new set of requirements.  Students entering before Fall 2011 will continue to follow the set of requirements with which they entered.

Important Information for fall 2011

Advising: Advising appointments for fall semester are now available online by going to:

See Your Advisors!

Peer advisors will be available to help students check requirements and advise on courses within the first two weeks of the semester.

Chief Undergraduate Advisor: Christin Glodek, 720 Thompson

Director of the Sociology Honors Program: Barbara Tomaskovic-Devey, 622 Thompson

Criminal Justice Internship Director: Sheriff Garvey, 732 Thompson

Junior Year Writing Courses

Soc 346 Communities & Crime,  Prof. Rymond-Richmond

Soc 383 (Sect 2 only!) Gender & Society,  Prof. Misra

Soc 384 Sociology of Love,  Prof. Barbara Tomaskovic-Devey

Soc 388 Gender & Globalization,  Prof. Thayer

Some Important Dates for Fall 2011

Sept. 6             First day of classes

Sept. 15             SBS Wing Thing, 4-6pm in the Student Union Ballroom

Sept. 19            Last Day to Add/Drop with no “W”

Sept. 20            New Majors sign-up begins

Sept. 27             Isenberg Management Career Day, 10:30-3:00 in the Campus Center Auditorium

Sept. 29            Career Services “Free Food and Advice: using the e-recruiting database” 12:30-1:30 in 128 Thompson

Oct. 10            COLUMBUS DAY- NO CLASSES

Oct. 11            MONDAY CLASS SCHEDULE (Monday advising hours)

Oct. 19            Sociology Fall Social, 3-5pm in the Machmer courtyard

Oct. 20            Mid-semester, last day to drop with a “W”

Oct. 20            Career Services “Free Food and Advice: Resume Writing” 12:30-1:30 in 128 Thompson

Oct. 21            School of Public Health and Health Sciences Career, Internship and Workforce Fair, 10-1:00 in the Student Union Ballroom

Oct. 26            Graduate and Professionals Information Day, 11:00-3:00, Student Union Ballroom

Oct. 26            Majors Fair, 5:30-7:30 in the Campus Center Auditorium

Nov. 2            Alumni Association “Etiquette Dinner” You must register by Oct. 26. Call 413-577-1390 or e-mail saa@stuaf.umass.edu for more information

Nov. 10             Last day for new majors to sign into sociology

Nov. 11            Veteran’s Day- NO CLASSES

Nov. 14            Preregistration for Spring 2012 begins for Seniors

Nov. 16            FRIDAY CLASS SCHEDULE (Friday Advising Hours)

Nov. 17            Career Services “Free Food and Advice: Interviewing” 12:30-1:30 in 128 Thompson

Nov. 21            Preregistration for Spring 2012 begins for Juniors

Nov. 23            Thanksgiving break begins after last class

Nov. 24-25            Thanksgiving break- NO CLASSES

Nov. 28            Preregistration for Spring 2012 begins for Sophomores

Dec. 5                        Preregistration for Spring 2012 begins for Freshmen

Dec. 9                        Last Day of Classes

Dec. 12-17             FINAL EXAMS

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