Lecture: UMass Amherst’s Radical Revolution in Economics, 1965-1981.
For any sociology majors who have an interest in Marx and Economics, there is a lecture coming up that you might find interesting!
The campus community is invited to attend the first 2011-2012
Distinguished Faculty Lecture on Wednesday, October 19, at 4 pm in the
Bernie Dallas Room, Goodell Building.
Professor Donald W. Katzner of the Department of Economics will present
“UMass Amherst’s Radical Revolution in Economics, 1965-1981.”
This lecture is free and open to the public and a reception will immediately
follow the talk. Professor Katzner will receive the Chancellor’s Medal,
the highest honor bestowed to faculty by the campus.
Against a backdrop of Cold War fears, social upheaval, and student
activism, an academic department at a state-supported institution
underwent changes as unexpected as they were rapid and wrenching.
Professor Katzner will describe how a significant, visible group of
Marxian economists replaced their traditionalist counterparts in the
UMass Amherst Economics Department and how the resulting turmoil
eventually resolved itself into an intellectually exciting, friendly,
and productive atmosphere with lasting implications for academic
endeavor and a profound legacy for the economics profession.