Two Education/ Teaching Fellowships

The MATCH Corps

The MATCH Corps is recruiting an undergraduate major interested in tutoring and teaching in an inner-city Boston public school. Typically after the year, fellows go on to top grad schools or become full-time teachers in high-need schools.
If you are interested, please follow the link below.

MATCH Corps Contact:
Sara Parr
Recruitment Coordinator


The BETA Program

“Open Letter to BETA Applicants”

Let’s face it.
Next year looms large.  There are opportunities out there, but you’re not 100% sure about your next step.  You know you want to work hard.  You want to be challenged.  You want to work directly with high schoolers.  You want to work with a talented team of peers towards a common goal while gaining ground-level experience in the education field.  Most of all, you want to make a difference.

So what’s the problem?
In schools and communities across the nation, we do an excellent job of selling students on the dream of college without adequately preparing them to succeed once they get there.  This problem is compounded in low-income communities, where only 15 of every 100 students entering college each year complete bachelor’s degrees.

How do we solve it?
Success in college is shaped by many factors, but research has consistently shown that academic rigor during high school is the strongest predictor of whether students sink or swim during that first year of college.  The challenge, then, must be finding ways to help students master more advanced academic skills before arriving on campus in the first place.

That’s where you come in.
Introducing Blue Engine, an urban education fellowship year in New York City designed for talented recent college graduates to connect with small numbers of students in a different way—not as teachers, but as full-time teaching assistants.  During one year terms of service, Blue Engine Teaching Assistants (BETAs) lead small group instruction (4-5 students per period) alongside experienced classroom teachers, working in teams from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. to help entire grade levels make dramatic, measurable gains in Math and English / Language Arts.

Want to learn more?

Ø  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@theBlueEngine)

Ø  Take a look at “BETA Unplugged” – Frequently Asked Questions about Blue Engine, as answered, unedited, by last year’s BETAs

Ø  Watch a short video about Blue Engine and our first year results here

Ø  Read a letter from Alison, one of our inaugural BETAs

Ø  Read a copy of the BETA job description, including stipend and benefits, here

Ø  Contact us with questions at

Right now, throughout the country, we are looking for a small number of top-notch candidates to help build Blue Engine from the ground up.  The admissions process will be competitive, with our next class of approximately 50 BETAs set to begin service in New York City in August of 2012.

We hope one of those BETAs will be you.


Nick Ehrmann
CEO & Founder, Blue Engine

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