Did you know that you could e-mail your class and final exam schedule to your e-mail from Spire?

Did you know that you could search for GenEd requirements in Spire?

Well, you can! These are some simple and helpful tricks to make managing your schedule easier. Learning to use your  Spire account to its full capability will help! Below are the steps to the tricks:

To Forward Class Schedule:

On the “Student Center” Page, there is a drop down box on the left of your registered classes.

Click on the drop down box, and there will be options for e-mailing you Class and Final schedule.

Click on the schedule you would like to be e-mailed to you.

Click on the yellow box that says “e-mail”.

The schedule will go to your student e-mail.

To search for classes by GenEd:

In the side menu, Click “Enrollement”.

Under “Enrollment”, Click “Add Classes”.

On the stop the top of the screen there should be some tabs. Click on the tab “Class Search”.

In the drop box “Course Component” there will different options for GenEds. Click the Gened that you are interested in completing.

Fill in the other criteria that you are searching for and click “Search”.

GenEd requirements you were looking for should come up it they are available.


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