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- Talks are scheduled for 30 minute slots
- Presenters should plan to talk for 20 minutes, and have 10 minutes at the end for questions
- We have budgeted in a 5 minute transition time between talks in case there are any technical difficulties (and past hybrid conferences have taught us the probability is high).
- To ensure the smoothest transition between talks and to prevent any delays which will cut into presentation time, we ask presenters to upload their slides or include a link to their slides using this link by June 10, 2024
- If you will be using a handout, please plan on making 40-50 copies.
- There will be one poster session on June 13
- Posters should be A0 (36 in x 48 in) size in either landscape or portrait
- Pins will be provided for you to attach your poster to the poster board.
- More info on poster setup will follow as we get closer to the conference.