Strategies for Change Readings

The readings below are courtesy of Fred Rose who served as a community organizer in Springfield for 15 years with the Pioneer Valley Project, a faith-based organizing project.  He now works through the Center for Public Policy and Administration to co-direct the Wellspring Cooperative Corporation, a community development project to create worker-owned companies that provide living wage jobs in Springfield. For background and context, see “Springfield Economic Development Project Receives Grant from Merck Fund” news story.

Springfield’s Food Deserts

Patricia Leboeuf, “Food Deserts in Springfield: How Many Buses Would You Take to Buy Groceries?” in Valley Advocate. Online at:

Amanda Drane, “Food Deserts in Springfield: Lack of Access to Healthy Food in Springfield Underlies High Rates of Diabetes and Obesity,” In Valley Advocate, November 12-19. 2015. Online at:

Springfield Community Newspapers

African American Point of View. Online at:

Reminder Publications. Online at:

El Pueblo Latino. Online at:

Pay for Success

George Overholser and Caroline Whistler, “The Real Revolution of Pay for Success: Ending 40 years of Stagnant Results for Communities” +
Daniel Stid, “Pay for Success is Not a Panacea” in San Francisco Federal Reserve, Community Development Investment Review, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2013. Read pp. 5-18. Online at:

Towards a new economy

Gar Alperovitz, “Inequality’s Dead – And the Possibility of a New, Long-Term Direction.” in Nonproft Quarterly, March 10, 2015. Online at:

Another UMass faculty member doing interesting work in Springfield is Krista Harper in our Anthropology department. Learn about her Springfield Futurescapes.

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