Steps to Join Detachment 370

Step 1: Meet the Admission Requirements
For a comprehensive list of admission requirements, please visit What It Takes | U.S. Air Force ROTC (
The General Military Course (GMC) consists of freshmen and sophomores. The following are some minimum requirements:
- Enrolled full-time in an accredited college that hosts or has a crosstown agreement with an AFROTC detachment.
- A United States citizen (if on scholarship).
- In good physical condition.
- Of good moral character.
- 17 years or older to receive a scholarship.
- Committed to attending both the aerospace studies class and Leadership Lab each semester.
The following conditions may prevent you from AFROTC membership but will not hinder you from enrolling in a 100 level or 200 level aerospace studies class:
- Conscientious objectors—one who has or had a firm, fixed and sincere objection to participation in war, in any form, or to the bearing of arms because of religious training or belief, which includes solely moral or ethical beliefs
- Present or former commissioned officers of the Armed Forces
- Officers of the Health Services and Mental Health Administration and members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Those medically diagnosed with asthma or who have been prescribed Ritalin or any other medication for ADD and/or ADHD at any point in their life may be precluded from military service, but this may be waived, depending on circumstances.
- Individuals on active duty with any military service—enlisted/warrant officers of Reserve or National Guard, unless conditionally released
- Non-immigrant students from nations not approved by the Department of State
- Students who do not or cannot meet required standards of weight, appearance, decorum, discipline and military performance
- Individuals who have dropped out of a previous officer training program. This may be waived, depending on circumstances
The Professional Officer Course is offered to juniors and seniors who have already committed to a four-year post-graduation service commitment with the Air Force.
- You must meet all the GMC membership requirements and:
- Be a United States citizen
- Be of legal age as required by the state in which you will be attending ROTC or 17 years old with parent or guardian consent
- Be in good academic standing
- Four-year Program: has two academic years remaining in a degree program (undergraduate, graduate or combination of both)
- Participate in both Aerospace Studies classes and Leadership Laboratory each semester
- Meet the age requirements:
- Rated (pilot or combat systems officer) – commissioned before reaching the age of 29
- Scholarship applicants – be less than 31 years old as of December 31 of the year you will commission
- Tech, non-tech and non-rated – commissioned by age 30 (waiverable up to age 35)
- Be physically fit
- Meet Air Force height and weight standards
- Pass the Air Force Physical Fitness Test
- Have a military certified/qualified physical
- Pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test
- Be selected by a board of Air Force officers
- Complete a Field Training course
- Four-year Program: four-week Field Training Unit
- If you are single with a dependent or married to a military member with dependent you are eligible to enter the POC however, you must have an approved Family Care Plan completed (In accordance with AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans; If you have more than two dependents under the age of 18, a waiver may be requested to permit accession of applicants. (Maximum total of three dependents only). A dependent is defined as anyone incapable of self-care, e.g., child, parent, etc.
Step 2: Register for Aerospace Studies courses (COMPLETED BY CADET)
Please see the directions below.
Four-Year Program
If you are a current or incoming college freshman, to try out AFROTC, with no commitment, all you have to do is take one Aerospace Studies class (AEROSPAC 111/112), physical training (AEROSPAC 191), and a two-hour leadership lab each semester. Total time devoted to AFROTC is about 5 hours a week as a freshman, and that is it.
- UMass Amherst students: Sign up for the classes just like you would with any other class in ‘SPIRE’.
- WNEU students: Sign up for the classes just like you would with any other class in ‘Administrative Systems Access Point’.
- Five Colleges and Springfield area students: To sign up for AFROTC courses, please visit your school’s registrar.
Three-Year Program
If you are a current college sophomore, to try out AFROTC, with no commitment, you will need to take two Aerospace Studies classes (AEROSPACE 111 and 223), physical training (AEROSPACE 191), and a two-hour leadership lab each semester. Total time devoted to AFROTC is about six hours a week as a sophomore in the three-year program.
- UMass Amherst students: Sign up for the classes just like you would with any other class in ‘SPIRE’.
- WNEU students: Sign up for the classes just like you would with any other class in ‘Administrative Systems Access Point’.
- Five Colleges and Springfield area students: To sign up for AFROTC courses, please visit your school’s registrar.
High School Students
If you are a high school senior, go to the Air Force ROTC website and apply online at
Step 3: Locate the Following Items (COMPLETED BY CADET)
In order to complete enrollment and New Student Orientation, you must provide the following documents:
- Original and photocopy of the birth certificate (original will be returned)
- Original and photocopy of signed Social Security Card (original will be returned)
- Certificate of naturalization (naturalized citizens only)
- Proof of Selective Service Enrollment (males only;
- ACT or SAT score sheet
- Transcripts from any post-high school technical or prior colleges attended (if applicable – unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
- JROTC certificate of completion and Letter from JROTC Commander (if applicable)
- Civil Air Patrol Award (Billy Mitchell Award, Amelia Earhart Award, Carl Spaatz Award – if applicable)
- Boy Scouts Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Cadet Senior Scout with Gold Palm Award paperwork (if applicable)
- Name and address of any law enforcement offices that issued you a ticket or fined you, and also the dates of the incident(s)
Contact Information
- Click here to join! A member of our team will reach out to you!
- Phone: (413) 545-2437