The MAPT-CCR is the Massachusetts Adult Proficiency Test – College and Career Readiness, the fourth and current generation of the MAPT that fully reflects the shift to the Common Core Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRSAE; Pimentel, 2013). All items are aligned to curriculum standards detailed in the CCRSAE.
The MAPT-CCR tests are accountability assessments used for adult education in Mathematics and Reading, and are the product of a longstanding collaboration between the Center for Educational Assessment at UMass-Amherst and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education‘s Adult and Community Learning Services Unit. The MAPT-CCR tests have the full approval of the U.S. DoE for the National Reporting System, and are administered online by means of the OWL delivery system at UMass Amherst.
The MAPT-CCR uses adaptive multistage testing to tailor the sets of items an test-taker is presented with to ensure that examinees see items that are not too hard or easy, but ‘just-right’ for their estimated proficiency level. The MAPT-CCR is a six-stage multistage test, composed of 35 scored items, that adapts at five points to test-taker answers. In this way, the MAPT-CCR is uniquely able to accurately measure the knowledge and skills of adult learners.