
2019    Suvorov A, Naumov V, Shtratnikova V, Logacheva M, Shershebnev A, Wu H, Gerasimov E, Zheludkevich A, Pilsner JR, Sergeyev O. Rat Liver Epigenome Programing by Perinatal Exposure to 2,2’,4’4’ –Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether. Epigenomics, doi: 10.2217/epi-2019-0315
Covered at:

2019    Qi W, Clark JM, Suvorov A, Park Y. 2019. Ivermectin decreases triglyceride accumulation by inhibiting adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Food Chem Toxicol. 2019 Jun 11;131:110576. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2019.110576.

2019    Intlekofer KA, Clements K, Woods H, Adams H, Suvorov A, Petersen SL. 2019. Progesterone receptor membrane component 1 inhibits tumor necrosis factor alpha induction of gene expression in neural cells. PLoS One. 2019 Apr 26;14(4):e0215389. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215389. eCollection 2019.

2018    Khalil A., Cevik S.E., Hung S., Kolla S., Roy M.A., Suvorov A. 2018. Developmental Exposure to 2,2? ,4,4?-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether Permanently Alters Blood-Liver Balance of Lipids in Male Mice. Front. Endocrinol. 9:548. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00548
Part of eBook Endocrine Disrupters and Metabolism

2018    Abrha A., Ma S., Suvorov A. 2018. Transcriptomic Analysis of Gonadal Adipose Tissue in Male Mice Exposed Perinatally to 2,2′,4,4′-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47). Toxics, 6(2), 21: 1-13.
Part of special issue Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons

2018    Pilsner J.R., Shershebnev A., Medvedeva Y., Suvorov A., Goltsov A., Loukianov E., Andreeva T., Gusev F., Manakhov A., Smigulina L., Rogaev E., Hauser R., Sergeyev O. 2018. Peripubertal dioxin concentrations and subsequent sperm methylome profiles of young Russian adults. Reproductive Toxicology, 78:40-49.

2018    Suvorov A., Wu H., Shershebnev A., Medvedeva Y., Parker M., Sergeyev O., Pilsner J.R. 2018. Perinatal Exposure to Low Dose 2,2?,4,4?-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) Alters Sperm DNA Methylation in Adult Rats. Reproductive Toxicology, 75:136-143.

2017    Wu H., Estill M.S., Shershebnev A., Suvorov A., Krawetz S.A., Whitcomb B.W., Dinnie H., Rahil T., Sites C.K., Pilsner J.R. 2017. Preconception Urinary Phthalate Concentrations and Sperm DNA Methylation Profiles among Men Undergoing IVF Treatment. Human Reproduction, 32(11):2159-2169.

2017    Lau-Corona D., Suvorov A., Waxman D.J. Feminization of male mouse liver by persistent growth hormone stimulation: Activation of sex-biased transcriptional networks and dynamic changes in chromatin states. Molecular and Cellular Biology. DOI: 10.1128/MCB.00301-17

2017    Khalil A., Parker M., Brown S.E., Cevik S.E., Guo L.W., Jensen J., Olmsted A., Portman D., Wu H., Suvorov A. Perinatal Exposure to 2,2?,4?4? ?Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether Induces Testicular Toxicity in Adult Rats. Toxicology.

2017    Khalil A, Parker M, Mpanga R, Cevik SE., Thorburn C, Suvorov A. Developmental Exposure to 2,2?,4,4?–Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether Induces Long-Lasting Changes in Liver Metabolism in Male Mice. Journal of the Endocrine Society. 2017 March 14; 1(4):323-344.

2017    Pilsner JR, Parker M, Sergeyev O, Suvorov A. Spermatogenesis disruption by dioxins: Epigenetic reprograming and windows of susceptibility. Reprod Toxicol. 2017 Apr;69:221-229. PubMed PMID: 28286111.

2017    Hill CE., Sapouckey SA., Suvorov A, Vandenberg LN.. Developmental exposures to bisphenol S, a BPA replacement, alter estrogen-responsiveness of the female reproductive tract: A pilot study. Cogent Medecine. 2017 April 13;

2016    Suvorov A, Vandenberg LN. To Cull or not to Cull? Considerations for studies of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Endocrinology. 2016 May 13;PubMed PMID: 27175970.

2016    Del Pino Sans J, Clements KJ, Suvorov A, Krishnan S, Adams HL, Petersen SL. Developmental exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin may alter LH release patterns by abolishing sex differences in GABA/glutamate cell number and modifying the transcriptome of the male anteroventral periventricular nucleus. Neuroscience. 2016 Aug 4;329:239-53. PubMed PMID:27185484.

2015    Kim B., Colon E., Chawla S., Vandenberg L.N., Suvorov A. 2015. Endocrine Disruptors Alter Social Behaviors and Indirectly Influence Social Hierarchies via Changes in Body Weight. Environmental Health. 14(1):64.

2015    Heindel JJ, vom Saal FS, Blumberg B, Bovolin P, Calamandrei G, Ceresini G, Cohn BA, Fabbri E, Gioiosa L, Kassotis C, Legler J, La Merrill M, Rizzir L, Machtinger R, Mantovani A, Mendez MA, Montanini L, Molteni L, Nagel SC, Parmigiani S, Panzica G, Paterlini S, Pomatto V, Ruzzin J, Sartor G, Schug TT, Street ME, Suvorov A, Volpi R, Zoeller RT, Palanza P. 2015. Parma Consensus Statement on Metabolic Disruptors. Environmental Health. 14(1):54.

2015    Suvorov A, Waxman DJ. 2015. Early Programming of Uterine Tissue by Bisphenol A: Critical Evaluation of Evidence from Animal Exposure Studies. Reprod Toxicol. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2015.05.008.

2015    Catanese M.C., Suvorov A., Vandenberg L.N. 2015. Beyond a means of exposure: a new view of the mother in toxicology research. Toxicology Research, 4:592-612.

2012    Stanley K.A., Suvorov A., Connerney J., Waxman D.J. Gene Expression Regulation in Mouse Uterus in Proestrus and Estrus. Biology of Reproduction, 89(1):13.

2011    Suvorov A., Takser L. 2011. Delayed Frontal Lobes Transcriptome Response to Perinatal Exposure to BDE-47 in Rats. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 31(5):477-483.

2010    Suvorov A., Bissonnette C., Takser L., Langlois M.-F. 2010. Does 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl Ether Interact Directly with Thyroid Hormone Receptors? Journal of Applied Toxicology, 31(2):179-84.

2010    Suvorov A., Takser L. 2010. Global Gene Expression Analysis in the Livers of Rat Offspring Perinatally Exposed to Low Doses of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether. Environmental Health Perspectives, 118(1):97-102.

2010    Abdelouahab N., Huel G., Suvorov A., Foliguet B., Thiebaugeorges O., Debotte G., Sahuquillo J., Charles M.-A., Takser L. 2010. Monoamine oxidase activity in human placenta in relation to blood manganese, lead, cadmium, and hair mercury at delivery. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 32(2):256-61.

2009    Suvorov A., Battista M.-C., Takser L. 2009. Perinatal Exposure to Low-Dose 2,2′,4,4′-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether affects Growth in Rat Offspring: what is the role of IGF-1? Toxicology, 260:126-131.

2009    Abdelouahab N., Suvorov A., Pasquier J-Ch., Praud, J-P., Langlois M-F., Takser L. 2009. Thyroid disruption by low dose of flame retardant BDE-47 in prenatally exposed lambs. Neonatology, 24;96(2):120-124.

2008    Suvorov A., Takser L. 2008. Facing the Challenge of Data Transfer from Animal Models to Humans: the Case of Persistent Organohalogens. Environ Health. 7(1):58.

2008    Suvorov A., Girard S, Lachapelle S., Abdelouahab N., Sebire G., Takser L. 2008. Low-Dose BDE-47 and Hyperactivity in Rat Offspring. Neonatology, 95(3):203-209.

2006    Suvorov A.N. 2006. Pentadentula balandini gen. et sp. nov.  (Pulmonata Enidae) from W Transcaucasia. Ruthenica, 16(1-2): 93-96.

2003    Suvorov A.N. 2003. A new species and genus of carnivorous slugs (Pulmonata Trigonochlamydidae) from West Transcaucasia. Ruthenica, 13(2): 149-152.

2003    Suvorov A.N. 2003. The Role of Positive Feedback in Formation of Macroevolutionary Trends by the Example of Adaptation of Terrestrial Pulmonates (Mollusca, Gastropoda) to Moist Litter. Entomological Review, Vol 83, Suppl. 2.

2003    Suvorov A.N. 2003. Prospects of Development of Synthetic Theory of Macroevolution. Bulletin of Ryazan State University of Education, 1(9): 130-140.

2002    Suvorov A.N. 2002. A new subgenus and three new species of the genus Acrotoma O. Boettger, 1881 (Pulmonata Clausiliidae) from western Transcaucasia. Ruthenica, 12(2): 161-166.

2002    Suvorov A.N. 2002. Prospects of studies of Morphological Variability of land Pulmonate Snails. Biology Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol 29, No 5.

2001    Zhiltsov S.S., Suvorov A.N. 2001. Micromorphology of the distal portion of sexual apparatus of Aegopis verticillus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Zonitidae) and phylogenetic relations of the genus Aegopis. Ruthenica, 11(2): 187-196.

2001    Taniushkin A.I., Suvorov A.N. 2001. Micromorphology and functions of male sexual ducts in the subfamily Trichiinae (Pulmonata Hygromiidae). Ruthenica, 11(1): 15-24.

2001    Suvorov A.N. 2001. Fauna of terrestrial Pulmonata of the surroundings of Teletskoe Lake (Altay Natural Reserve). Proceedings of the conference “Human Impact on the Nature of Protected Territories”, Ryazan: 249-253.

2001    Suvorov A.N. 2001. Principle of complementarity and modern theoretical biology. Proceedings of Zoological Society of Ryazan State University of Education. Ryazan, 84-91.

2001    Suvorov A.N. 2001. Mollusca. In: Red Data Book of Ryazan Region, 185-193.  Uzorochie, Ryazan.

2000    Zhiltsov S.S., Taniushkin A.I., Suvorov A.N. 2000. Terrestrial molluscs of Ryazan region. Institute of Advanced Training, Ryazan.

2000    Suvorov A.N. 2000. Functional morphology of pneumostomal area in terrestrial Pulmonata (Gastropoda). Ruthenica, 10(2): 89-104.

1999    Taniushkin A.I., Zhiltsov S.S., Suvorov A.N. 1999. A case of occurrence of two darts in upper stylophore in Xeropicta krynickii (Pulmonata Hygromiidae). Ruthenica, 9(2): 163 – 164.

1999    Suvorov A.N., Lanzov V.I. 1999. Fauna and structure of associations of terrestrial molluscs of the Valley of Zolka Juzhnaya River. Proceedings of KBNC Russian Academy of Sciences, 3: 57 – 59.

1999    Suvorov A.N. 1999. Some mechanisms of adaptation to the wet microhabitats in higher Geophila (Mollusca, Pulmonata). Journal of general biology, 60(2): 177 – 188.

1999    Suvorov A.N. 1999. Functional Interrelations between Aperture Structures and Soft Organs in Lower Geophila. 2. Achatinina. Russian Journal of Zoology, 78(5): 528 – 538.

1999    Suvorov A.N. 1999. Functional Interrelations between Aperture Structures and Soft Organs in Lower Geophila. 1. Pupillina, Oleacinina. Russian Journal of Zoology, Vol 3, No 1.

1999    Suvorov A.N. 1999. The Conflict between Operative and Conservative Subsystems of Organism in the Evolution of Terrestrial Snails (Stylommatophora, Pulmonata). Russian Journal of Zoology, Vol 3, No 3, 1999.

1999    Suvorov A.N. 1999. On the nature of the Visceral Hump in Pulmonates (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Russian Journal of Zoology, Vol 3, No 3.

1998    Suvorov A.N. 1998. Snails of one sixth of the world’s dry land (the former USSR). Tentacle, 8: 5 – 7.

1996    Suvorov A.N. 1996. On the origin of pallial gonoduct in Pulmonata. Ruthenica, 6(1): 79.

1995    Suvorov A.N. 1995. Arion lusitanicus – new agricultural pest. Release Bulletin of Ryazan   Center of Scientific-and-Technical information, N147-97, Series ?.68.37.29.

1993    Suvorov A.N. 1993. Functional morphology of aperture in Pupillina suborder (Gastropoda Pulmonata). Ruthenica, 3(2): 141-152.

1991    Suvorov A.N., Schileyko ?.?. 1991. Functional morphology of aperture armature in subfamily Lauriinae (Gastropoda, Orculidae) and questions of taxonomy of the group. Ruthenica, 1(1-2): 67-80.

1990    Suvorov A.N. 1990. Morpho-functional analyzes of closing apparatus of two clausiliidae species (Gastropoda Pulmonata). Russian Journal of Zoology, 70(7): 21-32.