
Principal Investigator

Andrew R. Whiteley, PhD
awhiteley [at]


I  received a B.A. in Biology from Northwestern University. I completed my PhD in Fred Allendorf’s lab at the University of Montana in Missoula in 2005 (co-advised by Paul Spruell).  I did postdoc work in Louis Bernatchez’s lab at Universite Laval in Quebec City (2005-2006, 2009) and Dave Tallmon’s lab in Juneau, Alaska (2007-2008).  I have been at UMass Amherst since 2009.


Jason Coombs, PhD (in conjunction with US Forest Service, Northern Research Station)
Evolution and demography of brook trout in Massachusetts and Virgina, sibship reconstruction to detect movement on ecological timescales

Graduate Students

Morgan Lindemayer, MS student
Genetic and environmental influences on migratory tendency across a gradient of population isolation in brook trout

Meghna Marjadi, MS student (co-advised with Allison Roy)
Determinants of reproductive success in alewife populations

Zachary Robinson, MS student
Genetic rescue of isolated brook trout populations in Virginia

Katherine Terkanian, MS student
Population genetics and demographic connectivity of horseshoe crabs on Cape Cod

Kathy Zeller, PhD student,  (co-advised with Kevin McGarigal)
Integrative assessment of landscape genetics approaches

Undergraduate Students

Lora Miller, Spencer Weinstein

Research Technician/Lab Manager

Maili Page

Former Students

Stephen Jane (former MS student), Matt Cembrola (former MS student), Sevan Suni (former UMass Amherst Darwin Fellow)