First data

Horses have crossed the finish line. During the past week, for two of the test growth spaces, roots reached the bottom of the plate (Fig. 1). While the roots grew, once a day*, I marked the position of the root tip on the back of the square plastic plate by making a horizontal scratch with […]

Negative on regulation

Off to the races! Root races anyway. I have plates with plants growing in four locations around the Biosciences building; two sets of plates from last Friday and two more started Wednesday. Last Friday’s will cross the finish line in a day or two and Wednesday’s some days after that. But until the results are […]

On the rack

Sunday September 10 A hot week in Biosciences. Hot as in the building sections where I work have minimal air conditioning and the weather decided to usher in September with a week of summer.  Not cook-an-egg-on-the-pavement hot but—don’t tell the safety officer—I kept my lab coat unbuttoned.  I left work Friday a little after 6 PM […]

An office and a bench

Sunday Sept 3              Hooray! I now have a verified place to work (bench) and write (office). But before filling you on these glad events, let me call your attention to the “subscribe” button down in the lower right corner of the page. By signing up, you will get an email whenever a new Lab Fab […]