Writing and London, oh my!

A short post today because I spent last week teaching and holidaymaking. On the first three days of the week, I gave a workshop on writing clearly, Increasing the signal, decreasing the noise, to a dozen (well two didn’t show) post-graduate students. Four ! lectures on Monday (with coffee and biscuits and lunch strewn among them), homework […]

A headlong dash for data

On four days last week, here is my day. I get to the lab a little after 8 AM. I unshroud the microscope, flick on the infrared light, and arrange bits and pieces on the lab bench, an operation that includes filling three small dishes with 3 mL of 1% congo red and making sure […]

Roots, roots, roots

I am living the cliché: it comes together at the very end. I hope that I don’t come apart.  On Monday I caught up on a few things because the roots were too short. When the plate with seedlings is placed on the horizontal microscope, I can move the stage down only so far. With […]

End game

I have about a month remaining on the board here. Today, rather than look forward to the trade-offs and pressures of the coming weeks, I’ll do the usual and look backward, telling the tale of the past week, which certainly included trade-offs and pressures.  I was busy. For my plants, I think I have sorted […]