A short post today because I spent last week teaching and holidaymaking. On the first three days of the week, I gave a workshop on writing clearly, Increasing the signal, decreasing the noise, to a dozen (well two didn’t show) post-graduate students. Four ! lectures on Monday (with coffee and biscuits and lunch strewn among them), homework due Tuesday, and one-on-ones with each student Wednesday, with a final wrap-up that afternoon. We had fun; I hope the students learned something. Thursday, off to London with Laura for four nights of museums, theatre, music, restaurants, and exhaustions. The lab beckons me Tuesday so don’t worry—experiments will return. Whether they work or not, well…

Cover of the book whose principles I teach. Outstanding advice on writing well (in any area, fiction or non). A thin and inexpensive paperback, best investment in writing you will ever make!