I unpacked my tweezers

But I didn’t put them away. The tweezers, along with the box’s worth of other gear I shipped back, are just sitting on top of my lab bench. I decided this would be a good moment to clean out the drawers below the bench where these things belong, drawers that currently are crammed with crap. […]

The Party is Over

I am writing this in the Dublin airport, waiting for a flight to take me and Laura back across the ocean. The day is one day short of 365 since the first entry for Lab Fab season three. What a year! In the past 43 posts, I have regaled you with the twists (yes! twists) […]

A positively negative control

Last week, with a sufficiently large—I hope—collection of root images cached, I indulges in a few extras. I entertained a visit from a friend (Mike Blatt) and his wife (Jane), washed out reagent bottles, and fitted in two experiments. Well, not really experiments, more like explorations.  One afternoon, I imaged celery xylem stained either with […]

Gallop apace

To be fair, the word gallop overestimates my speed last week; more accurate, if dull, is steady trot. I trotted for lap after lap, day after day, putting roots thru their imaging paces and getting things ready for a few supplemental experiments next week, the last week in the lab. Going around in circles like this, I have […]