Blog blockage
In which the joy of polarized light microscopy is alloyed by recognizing a blue big blistering blunder
Tobias Baskin's sort-of real time science blog
In which the joy of polarized light microscopy is alloyed by recognizing a blue big blistering blunder
All six washing machines are filled. Maybe I am earlier than on past Sundays or maybe the place is busier? One of the machines was done, and feeling a little sheepish handling someone else’s clothing, I placed it on top and loaded mine. MBL folk won’t be subject to load rage, right? Last week I […]
I tell the tale of a preliminary, or pilot, experiment. The ‘sky’ comes in as I spend time looking out the window from my office. Sea too.
In which the week’s progress is recounted and as a bonus I invent a good term for calesthenics with numbers.
A quiet week at Woods Hole.
And fires get laid and lit at MBL with the summer projects begining.
This week, I have been measuring. This sounds as though I have been holding up a ruler to measure how high my plants have grown, or perhaps putting a dozen leaves on a balance. But no, I am using a computer to measure features of images I captured during the summer at MBL. This measuring […]
In which I describe experiments that produced cells looking rather like a Kandinsky print. Is this an Art-ifact?
In which I regale the reader with tales of the diSPIM
Lots of careful measurement reveals a couple of … factlets.