Scientist as trucker

Last Wednesday, I drove to Manhattan to pick up an Illumina GAIIx gene sequencing machine (Fig. 1). Arguably, I have never written a sentence less probable. I hardly sequence DNA by the kilo-base, let alone by the giga-base, and driving in Manhattan leaves me terrified. The story began only the week before when Nick Kaplinsky […]

A wee dram of data

What do you call a woman who drinks too much? … … A dram queen. OK ok, sorry, couldn’t resist, on with the tales of lab dram. This week, I slipped the traces of the computer and pulled the lab work sleigh, twice. The first heave-ho lasted for about 45 min and was me getting […]

Measure for measure

This week, I have been measuring. This sounds as though I have been holding up a ruler to measure how high my plants have grown, or perhaps putting a dozen leaves on a balance. But no, I am using a computer to measure features of images I captured during the summer at MBL. This measuring […]

Literary pursuits

No, I haven’t decided to write a novel. And no, I am not being quaint when I use the word ‘literary’ to refer to the work on manuscripts and proposals that has occupied my fingers since the last post, several weeks ago. To the contrary I am making a point. I know, I know, this […]