Ben Brau’s Recommendation Letter Policy

If you would like me to write a recommendation letter for you, I will need the following:

  • Time.  Please allow two weeks minimum for me to compose a letter.
  • Either: A) Electronic requests for the submission which should come directly from the institution to which you’re applying.
    or B) A self-addressed stamped envelope for the lettter.  Write your name in the lower left corner but leave the return address area blank for me to fill in.  It is my policy to always mail the letter directly to the recipient institution, even if there are instructions from them to do otherwise.
  • Your statement of purpose.  If you want your application to succeed enough to ask me to write a letter on your behalf, I expect you have already written about your research interests and plans for your career on your own behalf.  I need to know what your plans and wishes for yourself are to best articulate your case.  Please send this to me electronically via email.
  • A copy of your Curriculum Vitae or resume, etc.   Again please send me this via email.

Please fill out the relevant information on the letter form.  Please sign the waiver that guarantees the confidentiality of the letter.  I DO NOT write a letter unless the “right to access” waiver has been signed by you.

Please send an email approximately one week before the deadline confirming that you have applied to the institution.  I’ll then send the letter and a confirmation by email to you that it has been sent.

Finally, please do let me know (by email is fine) how your application went when you find out.