Aspen Winter Workshop


2020 Winter Conference

Low-dimensional solids in hard and soft condensed matter: mechanics, thermodynamics, and electrons. 

Invited Speakers          Program             Application       Organizers

February 2 through 7, 2020
Sunday evening welcome reception
Meetings Monday through Friday evening

In recent years, both “soft” and “hard” wings of the condensed matter community have witnessed a surge of interest in the fundamental physics of low-dimensional solids. Experimental and theoretical studies were triggered by the celebrated discovery of Graphene and other types of mono-layer crystals, as well as the ability to generate and manipulate polymer films whose thickness may be as small as a few nanometers. In the hard condensed matter community, a primary focus of attention has been the unique electronic band structure of 2D solids, their consequent transport properties, and the possible probes they provide to topological matter. In the soft condensed matter community, attention has been focused on the anomalous elasticity induced by thermal fluctuations and disorder, and the geometrically-nonlinear instabilities exhibited by elastic sheets that are subjected to external constraints or possess nontrivial intrinsic geometry, and the relevance of this physics to the growth of tissues and organs, as well as the design of meta-materials. The ultimate goal of this meeting is to develop a dialogue between these communities, and to inspire fruitful collaborations, stemming from this interface.

Application deadline is November 30, 2019