Today, the first day of the three-day Columbus Day holiday weekend, dawned fair and bright, so I decided to spend a few hours on Block Island, that exquisite gem of sparkling sand set in the Long Island Sound about 10 miles south of the Connecticut shoreline. With a group of like-minded friends, I spent a leisurely afternoon exploring the island’s delights.
On our way to lunch, we stopped to marvel at a large butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii) , the blooms of which had attracted a host of migrating monarchs.
We lunched at the Beach Head Restaurant, then walked across the road to the beach. I went down to the water’s edge and touched the surf; it was cold but not icy.
We then wandered down the main street of New Shoreham. Most of the group decided to rent mopeds, but I passed on this flashy mode of transportation. Instead, a few of us walked up toward the Manisses Hotel, which includes a farm sanctuary sheltering a small number of exotic creatures. These camels were friendly and voluble, though I don’t know what they were saying.
A bit further east on Spring Street is the Spring House Hotel. Although there was a wedding reception in progress, there weren’t any bouncers at the doors, so we strolled upstairs to the balcony to gaze out at the ocean. Doesn’t this photo encapsulate the elegiac mood of a carefree summer waning into fall?