Mutts and Mimosas at Quonquont Farm

As I am a current supporter of the Dakin Humane Society, I’m on their mailing lists and recently received an invitation to Mutts and Mimosas, a benefit brunch to be held today at an orchard in Whately.  I’d like to go, I thought to myself, and called a friend to ask if she’d be interested; it turned out she was already signed up, so I said I’d meet her there.

My Garmin was useless when it came to locating Quonquont Farm in Whately, but after at least three wrong turns, I managed to find the place and arrived at the venue shortly after 11 this morning.  It turned out to be such a lovely day, warm and sunny.  Many guests sat outside, under this big tent:

MM2015-1I checked in at the entrance, donated some cat food, then wandered around looking for my friend and her party.  I found them indoors enjoying a wonderful repast, so I quickly got myself a mimosa (champagne is one of my favorite wines) and a plate from the buffet and joined them at their table.  A musical group, Banish Misfortune, entertained us while we ate.  The brunch was catered by Seth Mias, and floral arrangements on the tables were from Forget-Me-Not Florist.

MM2015-2Outside on the patio, the silent auction and raffle items were displayed:

MM2015-3And of course, the dogs enjoyed meeting each other:

MM2015-4Around noon, my friend and her party wanted to walk in the apple orchard, so I tagged along (we missed the welcome and remarks from Leslie Harris):

MM2015-5On our way back to the event for the close of the raffle and silent auction, we stopped at the farmstand store and each bought a peck of apples; there were lots of varieties to choose from: Gala, McIntosh, Cortland, Macoun, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Empire.

Guests could have souvenir photos taken (photo booth service was provided by StarView Events):

MM2015-6My friend’s dog, a border collie, is a service animal, but he was not working today.  Instead, it was a day to celebrate dogs for the wonderful companionship they provide, and to support Dakin, “a community supported animal welfare organization that provides shelter, medical care, spay/neuter services, and behavioral rehabilitation for more than 20,000 animals each year.”  Dakin is one of the most recognized nonprofit organizations in the Pioneer Valley and a national leader in animal welfare.  This year marked the third annual Mutts and Mimosas event, and I will look forward to attending it again next year.

Turtles of Massachusetts

When I registered for this program a couple days ago, I was told that it was very popular, and sure enough, there were close to 75 of us who congregated in the small downstairs meeting room at the Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary in Wales at 1:30 this afternoon, to hear Peter Mirick, who worked for the Mass Division of Fisheries and Wildlife for 37 years and is currently the editor of the periodical Mass Wildlife, tell us all about the turtles of Massachusetts.

Our state, a small state in terms of land area, ranked 45th out of 50, hosts five species of sea turtles, which are migratory only (sea turtles are generally found in the tropics).  There are ten species of turtle native to Mass: 4 highly aquatic, 4 semi-aquatic, 1 salt marsh, and 1 terrestrial.  Of course you should order the publication A Field Guide to Reptiles for $3 from the DFW, but in the meantime, here are some interesting facts about each species.

(1) Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta)
– not endangered and indeed the most common, e.g. go to Wells State Park
– basking turtle, found near shallow bodies of water
– diet is varied
– field mark ID: yellow belly

(2) Northern Red-Bellied Cooter (Pseudemys rubirentris)
– fairly large, maybe 10 lbs
– found only in Plymouth County (Carver, Plymouth)
– mostly vegetarian, basking turtle
– field mark ID: solid black with red belly
– ours is considered a “disjunct” population (you have to travel to the pine barrens of New Jersey to find them again)

(3) Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
– quite common, but not a basking turtle
– very large, weighing from 25-76 lbs
– not aggressive in water and a very aquatic species
– field mark ID: big spiky tail, small plastron
– males are highly territorial
– females lay eggs May-June, on land, in the soil

(4) Eastern Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus)
– most aquatic, still common
– excellent climbers, nocturnal
– hatchlings are very small
– legal to own in MA
– have glands that produce a noxious odor
– 90% carnivorous

(5) Diamond-Backed Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin)
– was a delicacy back in the 1890s
– coastal, salt marsh species (found in Rowley’s Great Salt Marsh)
– medium-sized, females are considerably larger than males

(6) Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii)
– also a “disjunct” population
– fieldmark ID: dome-like shell, yellow throat, spots
– estivate, meaning that they are inactive during hot summer months
– found in running water, omnivorous

(7) Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata)
– small, mostly carnivorous
– aquatic, lives in bogs, marshes, small ponds, slow-moving streams
– also estivate
– fieldmark ID: yellow spots on smooth black shell

(8) Wood Turtle (Clemmys insculpta)
– classic turtle of Worcester County
– scutes have growth rings, shaped like a pyramid
– habitat is riparian and terrestrial, excellent climbers
– field  mark ID: orange wash color
– can live 60-70 years
– mate in late spring (June)
– tend to be carnivorous

(9) Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)
– like a tortoise because the most terrestrial
– can close up like a box
– primarily found on Cape Cod and Conn River Valley (sandy scrub pine)
– in Worcester County, we find only individuals not populations
– field mark ID: high shell which is an adaptation to land

(10) Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii)
– rarest, endangered
– Massachusetts is extreme northern end of its range
– live in shallow, flowing, calcareous wetlands, such as found in the Berkshires Taconic landscape
– semi-terrestrial, with three populations in Sheffield
– field mark ID: yellow mark on side of head
– may estivate during the summer months
– eat slugs, worms
– long lived, quite intelligent

There are two introduced species found in Massachusetts, which are
(1) Red-Eared Slider – the classic pet store turtle – is considered invasive
(2) Soft-shelled turtle discovered in the Connecticut River (Spiny Softshell is a midwestern Great Lakes species); this one may establish a population here

Here are some facts about turtle life history:
– females lay eggs once a year, <1% survive
– they experience delayed maturity, breed between 5-18 years old
– adults do live a long time
– preyed upon by herons, foxes, skunks, opossums, raccoons

Conservation issues include:
– habitat alteration (turtles are not stationary creatures)
– females must nest (they love freshly-turned earth in backyards)
– more roads and more traffic equal more mortality

What should you do when you see a turtle crossing a road?
– only intervene if it’s safe for you
– do not take it home
– handle it carefully (wash hands after touching)
– move it in the direction it’s going, not where you think it should be

Other mortality factors include:
– illegal collection
– predators, like raccoons (increasing in suburban areas)
– hay mowing
– fire suppression
– competition with introduced species
– diseases introduced by exotics

Research is ongoing into:
– range and population density
– habitat needs
– mortality factors
The DFW does monitor turtles (dogs can find them), by tagging them (note the notches on the shell) and also by placing radio transmitters on the shells.  You can help by reporting sightings; in fact, public input is important.  One result of this research is a map of suitable habitat produced by the NHESP.

Conservation measures include:
– implementing regulations
– citing the Mass ESA, which unlike some others, actually has teeth
– promoting local community engagement
– nest protection/headstarting
– habitat management (burns, clearing)

Finally, Mr. Mirick addressed pet issues by stating that
– if you must have a turtle in your house, please be a responsible owner!

We love our turtles and want to continue seeing them in the wild.