We are recruiting participants for the following studies:
- Spanish/English bilingual children ages 4-6 with language difficulties, autism, or typical language development, for a study about language choice and code-switching: Español e ingles a la vez
- Coming soon! Project ABC Familias – Autism, Bilingualism, and Communication in Familias Latinas
- To learn more and sign up:
We, along with researchers across the globe, are working hard on finding answers to relevant questions about bilingual language development. We have lots of resources available on this topic, but investigations are ongoing, and there is a lot more for us to discover! If there is a question you cannot find the answer to, we would love to hear about it.
Join the Team
Interested in volunteering with the lab? Both UMass students and community members in Western Massachusetts are invited to fill out the form below.
Become a Speech-Language Pathologist
If our work seems intriguing or compelling to you, consider building a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). Communities all over the world are in need of SLPs from varied backgrounds who are knowledgeable about multilingualism. SLPs work in school systems, medical settings, academia, and community programs to evaluate, treat, and support people with communication disorders.
Learn more about the profession, the B.E.A.M. (Bilingual Empowerment Allied Mentorship) SLP Program, or check out our program at UMass. We hope to be your colleagues one day!