Limit your portions. We all tend to eat a little more than we should during the holidays. Use a smaller sized plate when getting your food – you can fill your plate even though the servings are smaller!
Go ice-skating. This is a great workout and a lot of fun!
Drink more water. Often times when you get a hunger craving, your body is actually dehydrated. Drink a glass or two of water and see if you are still hungry.
Eat an apple before each meal. A study was done at Penn State that said if you eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal, you will consume approximately 187 less calories.
Walk more. Wear your walking or running shoes when you need to finish your last minute shopping. With moderate walking, you can burn an extra 50 calories for every 10 minutes that you walk. Walk a few extra laps around the mall!
Limit your alcohol consumption. A 12-ounce beer has about 150 calories, 4 ounces of wine has about 100, and a 1.5-ounce spirit also has about 100 calories. These add up fast, so try to cut back some.
Go sledding. Pulling your sled back up the hill each time is a great way to burn a few extra calories.
Eat more vegetables. Have some extra veggies with your meal rather than mashed potatoes or stuffing covered in gravy.
Walk an extra mile. For every dessert you eat, match it by walking an extra mile.
Happy Holidays From Your Body Shop Management!