3D Printing

Creating STEM-Based Accessible Educational Materials using 3D Printing

In a world full of inaccessible images, the challenge is real for individuals who learn differently. In Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math courses (STEM), the challenge can be overwhelming! For individuals who experience blindness or low-vision, STEM-based coursework can be daunting and difficult to complete independently when data visualization or imagery (such as the visual depiction of molecular structures) is heavily embedded. UMass Amherst’s Assistive Technology Center in conjunction with the Digital Media Lab is engaging with a Molecular Biology professor in creating 3D-printed tactile-based kits to support a wide-array of learners (blind/low vision, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities) to address questions/concerns of inclusion and accessibility in STEM-based classes on campus. Join us to find out more about this project and have an open discussion about STEM accessibility!
A DNA molecule rotating

Lab Talk with Laura

We were excited to premier our project at the UMass Accessibility Retreat (October 23, 2017).

World Usability Day New England

Our next presentation showing some of the progress we’ve made will be at World Usability Day on November 9th, 2017 at the University of Connecticut.
