Recent publications
Nguyen M.L., Murphy J.A., Hamlet L., and Lau B.L.T. 2018. Ligand-Dependent Ag2S Formation: Implications During and After Sulfidation of Silver Nanoparticles. Environ. Sci.: Nano. DOI: 10.1039/C7EN01240C
Zhu T., Lawler D.F., Chen Y., Lau B.L.T. 2016. Effects of natural organic matter and sulfidation on the flocculation and filtration of silver nanoparticles. Environ. Sci.: Nano. 3, 1436-1446.
Ikuma K., Shi Z., Walker A.V., Lau B.L.T. 2016. Effects of protein species and surface physicochemical features on the deposition of nanoparticles onto protein-coated planar surfaces. RSC Advances, 6, 75491–75498.
Huang R. and Lau B.L.T. 2016. Biomolecule-nanoparticle interactions: Elucidation of the thermodynamics by isothermal titration calorimetry. Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Gen Subjects, 1860, 5, 945-956.
Lau B.L.T. and Butler C.S. 2016. Censored at the nanoscale. Front. Microbiol. 7:253.
Ikuma K., Decho A.W., Lau B.L.T. 2015. When nanoparticles meet biofilms – Interactions guiding the environmental fate and accumulation of nanoparticles. Front. Microbiol., 6:591.
Huang R., Carney R.P., Ikuma K., Stellacci F., and Lau B.L.T. 2014. Effects of Surface Compositional and Structural Heterogeneity on Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions: Different Protein Configurations. ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (6), pp 5402–5412
Ikuma K., Madden A.S., Decho A.W., Lau B.L.T. 2014. Deposition of nanoparticles onto polysaccharide coated surfaces: implications for nanoparticle–biofilm interactions. Environ. Sci.: Nano, 1, 117-122
Huang R., Carney R.P., Stellacci F., and Lau B.L.T. 2013. Colloidal Stability of Self-assembled Monolayer Coated Gold Nanoparticles: the Effects of Surface Compositional and Structural Heterogeneity. Langmuir. 29 (37), 11560–11566.
Lau B. L. T., Hockaday W.C., Ikuma K., Furman O., and Decho A.W. 2013. A Preliminary assessment of the interactions between the capping agents of silver nanoparticles and environmental organics. Colloid Surface A. 435, 22-27.
Lau B.L.T., Huang R., Madden A.S. 2013. Electrostatic adsorption of hematite nanoparticles on self-assembled monolayer surfaces. J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (8), 1873 –1882.
Huang R., Carney R.P., Stellacci F., and Lau B.L.T. 2013. Protein-Nanoparticle Interactions: the effects of surface compositional and structural heterogeneity is scale dependent. Nanoscale. 5 (15), 6928 – 6935
Ruggeri F.*, Zhang F.*, Lind T., Bruce E.D., Lau B.L.T., and Cardenas M. 2013. Non-specific interactions between soluble proteins and lipids induce irreversible changes in the properties of lipid bilayers. Soft Matter. 9 (16), 4219 – 4226.
Furman O., Usenko S., Lau B.L.T. 2013. Relative importance of the humic and fulvic fractions of natural organic matter in the aggregation and adsorption of silver nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47 (3), 1349-1356.
Ikuma K., Decho A. W., Lau B.L.T. 2013. The extracellular bastions of bacteria – a biofilm way of life. Nature Education Knowledge 4(2):2.
Recent presentations
Xia Z. and Lau B.L.T. Using total lipid extracts to construct a more realistic model membrane for better characterization of nanomaterial-cell interactions. ACS Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2016
Chen Y., Larese-Casanova P., Lau B. L. T. Elucidating the Role of NOM in the Transformation and Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles. 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water, Malmo, Sweden, 2015
Lau, B. L. T., Ikuma K., Huang R., Nguyen, M., & Chen Y. The Critical Roles of Organics on Surfaces: A surface chemistry approach for understanding interfacial processes at different nexuses. AEESP Conference, New Haven, CT, 2015.
Ikuma K., Shi Z., Walker A.V., Lau B.L.T. Probing nanoparticle-biofilm interactions using quartz crystal microgravimetry and complementary surface-sensitive methods. AVS 61st International Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 2014
Sim B., Ikuma K., & Lau, B. L. T. Nanoparticle deposition on surfaces modified with organics: Importance of ligand chain length. Third Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference, Boston, MA, 2014
Nguyen, M., Ikuma K., Hockaday, W., & Lau, B. L. T. Probing the effects of temperature on the spatial and chemical localization of soil organic matter on hematite using STXM. Synchrotron Environmental Science VI, Chicago, IL, 2014.
Zhang F., Lau B.L.T., Bruce E.D. In Vitro dosing procedure affects cellular uptake of silver nanoparticles. Int. Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles, Columbia, SC, 2014.
Ikuma K., Madden A. S., Decho A. W., Lau B. L. T. Impact of physicochemical characteristics of biofilm extracellular polymeric substances on the fate and transport of metal nanoparticles. IWA Int. Conference on particle science, Sapporo, Japan, 2014 and ASM annual meeting, Boston, MA, 2014.
Nguyen, M., Hockaday, W., & Lau, B. L. T. Examining changes in adsorption/desorption dynamics of soil organic matter on aluminum and iron oxide substrates: The effects of temperature. ACS Spring National Meeting, Dallas, TX, 2014.
Lau B.L.T., Huang R., Carney R.P., Stellacci F., and Ikuma K. The Effects of Surface Compositional and Structural Heterogeneity of Nanoparticles on their Adsorption onto Bacterial Cells. 8th Int. Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2013.
Nguyen M., Hockaday W.C., Lau B.L.T. Probing Temperature-Dependent Organo-Mineral Interactions with Molecular Spectroscopy and Quartz Crystal Microgravimetry. IUSS Int. Conference on Global Soil Carbon. Madison, WI, 2013.