Bridging fieldwork, corpus, and experimental methods to study sociolectal variation

What: The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers working from different perspectives and methodologies to study sociolectal variation, with a special focus on African American Language. We are especially excited to bring together researchers working with computational methods and researchers doing community-based fieldwork.

Who: The workshop is being organized by the research group working on NSF grant BCS 2042939, “Understanding variation in African American Language: Corpus and prosodic fieldwork perspectives” (PIs Meghan Armstrong-Abrami, Lisa Green, Brendan O’Connor, and Kristine Yu). We grateful acknowledge support from the NSF for the workshop.

When: July 8-9, 2023 during the 2023 Linguistic Institute (see Program for details)

Where: Integrative Learning Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst S331

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