
Registration is now open! It closes at the end of the day June 9, 2023. You are still welcome to register until June 30, but there are no more rooms reserved for us at the campus hotel. Registration is free for both in-person and virtual participants, but note that the availability of accommodations for in-person attendance is very limited.

Click here to register by June 30, 2023 via Google form to attend either in-person or virtually.

Accommodations: we have a block of 10 rooms reserved for conference participants at the UMass Amherst campus hotel There may still be rooms at the UMass Amherst campus hotel for the nights of July 7, 8, and 9, at a rate of $209/night on July 7 and 8 (weekend), and $159 for the night of July 9. The campus hotel is adjacent to the Integrative Learning Center, our conference venue. Click here to check room availability and book a room.

We will provide refreshments and coffee/tea at breakfasts and breaks. We will also hold an opening reception with light appetizers and drinks, following the end of the talks on Saturday evening at 6pm.

See information at the Linguistic Institute website about travel to UMass Amherst and things to do in the local area.

If you have questions, please contact the organizers via Kristine Yu.