The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Nazanin, at INFORMS 2018, is determined to influence policy changes through her research in disease decision-analytic modeling

“It was a great opportunity to participate in INFORMS annual meeting 2018, a gigantic conference gathering engineers and scientists from across the globe. The contribution we as IEOR can have on different areas have a great societal impact.  The key is to not only contribute to the math but more importantly concentrate on “after the math”, translation of [ Read More ]


Vijeta Deshpande presents his “impactful” thesis work, on MDP model for cancer detection, at INFORMS (potential employers-he is in the job market!)

Vijeta, as he heads into the job market, is motivated and excited about the potential impact he can make. His take away message from INFORMS  2018: “OR tools provide efficient way to critically evaluate even the most abstract ideas/research questions for betterment of healthcare systems. I am convinced that with increase in prevalence of OR tools in [ Read More ]


Congratulations to Matthew Eden and Rebecca Castonguay for the INFORMS OR best paper finalist award!!


Nazanin, Vijeta, and Matthew headed to INFORMS, Phoenix, to present their research- Good luck!