Funded research
SCH: INT: Simulation and decision-analysis algorithms for integrated modeling of diseases- A Healthy Lives For All approach: LINK, Funding: NSF 1915481, 1/1/2020 – 12/31/2023 ($1,200,000) LINK (PI: Gopalappa; Co-PIs: Haas, Balasubramanian, Robinson)
Progression and Transmission of HIV (PATH) model: LINK Funding: National Institutes of Health, R01AI127236, 07/15/2017 – 06/30/2022, (PI: Gopalappa)
Decision-analytic tool for early detection of cancer in low and middle income countries: LINK Funding: World Health Organization (completed)
ONLINE INTERACTIVE TOOLS FOR VISUALIZING PATH MODEL RESULTS Opens in Firefox or Microsoft Edge (does not open in Chrome). 1. People living with HIV (CLICK) (Note: currently plots hypothetical results; data under preparation) 2. HIV incidence (CLICK) (Note: currently plots hypothetical results; data under preparation)
Agent-based simulation, graph theory, network modeling, machine learning, Markov processes, simulation-based control optimization, dynamic programming, numerical parametric optimization.