Chem Prep is optional

ChemPrep is an optional preparatory OWL course for students prior to starting GenChem.

It is optional, and provided as a way for you to be better prepared for the course.  You are still eligible for GenChem, even if you did not chose to take advantage of this opportunity.  ChemPrep does not directly figure into your course grade in Chem 111.

4 thoughts on “Chem Prep is optional

  1. Danielle Sultan

    Hello Professor,

    My roommate is in a different Chem lecture class than I am, and her professor told her that she was going to have her lab every other week. I’m just confused because we were supposed to have the same lab time, but now she’s telling me that we might not because we rotate every other week. Can you explain to me what the schedulefor labs is?


    (note from MK) ****This comment is being referred to the LABS page for further responses.****

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