3. Monday, September 14, 2009

Measurement, Significant Figures, Dimensional analysis
1. Read interchapter (25-43)
2. Labs begin this week for odd numbered sections 1,3,5,7,9 (see your schedule for specific day)
3.OWLs due on Thursday September 17: IC 1.3, 2.2-2.7

Sept 14 Lect.

Sept 14 Lect.

13 thoughts on “3. Monday, September 14, 2009

  1. Christina Dube

    I think that the reading that is under this section is classified as homework that should be finished for the next class, but I’m not completely sure. Wouldn’t hurt to read it before and after class anyway.

  2. aameen

    during lab today my TA mentioned “lab OWL” assignments. Are there different from the OWL assignments we complete for lecture? If so, why can’t I find the OWL for labs online?

    MK: This is followed up on the LABS page

  3. david

    So I was wondering if the lab sections meet once a week or if it is in fact biweekly. I was assured that I did not have a lab today, even though it is on my schedule.

  4. Courtney Smedy

    I am in section L04 as well and had the same question. Also, if my labs start this week, will I need my lab notebook and safety glasses? Thank you.

  5. Jordan

    Next week, as I just went there to check if my lab, also an odd was today or not. There was a sign saying what lab was today and that mine was next week.

  6. Giulia

    My lab section is L04, does this mean section 4? If so when will my labs start? this week? or next?
    thank you.

  7. chem111-mjknapp Post author

    Hi Jenn,
    the reading that is listed for Sept 14 is associated with that day’s lecture. You should skim the material prior to coming to class, and read it thoroughly afterwards.

    As you can probably tell, the correspondence between lecture and specific pages is not perfect, as I try to balance interest with information – and I trust you to be able to learn some things by reading and doing the OWL.

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