9. Monday, September 28, 2009

Aqueous reactions, Electrolytes, Solubility and Precipitation
1. Read Chapter 3 (122-131)
2. 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10 OWLs due Thursday Oct. 1

Exam 1 is coming soon – more info on the “Exam” page

Sept 28

Sept 28

Lecture was a bit flat today – and then my computer freaked out, just to put icing on that cake.  But the class is pretty sharp, so hopefully you got the point that reactions in water include both precipitation reactions, and acid-base reactions..  I fixed the lecture recording so that all material is present.

4 thoughts on “9. Monday, September 28, 2009

  1. chem111-mjknapp Post author

    Hi Brittany,
    not yet. I’m working on it. But you can find the chart of solubility rules in just about any GenChem book.

  2. Brittany Bausch

    Hello Professor, I was wondering if you could post the soluble and insoluble chart so people like me can print it out. I tried to copy it from the online book but it didn’t work. I believe that if we (the class) were able to print it out we could have it on hand for the upcoming class so we could stay on track, and use it for the home work instead of flashing back and forth to the book. If not its okay.

    Brittany Bausch

  3. alyssa

    I was just talking to some of my friends from the other chem class and they told me that they were being provided the solubility rules for the exam, I was wondering if this is the same for us?

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