11. Friday, October 2, 2009

Review session from Friday is posted on the “EXAMS” page

Redox reactions and student-requests
1.  Read chapter 3 (141-151)

2.  Send comments here for specific review requests (eg: NIE).  I will spend some time today going over such requests.

3. OWLs due Sunday night!

4.  get ready for Monday exam

Oct 2

Oct 2

The last two slides from today were edited in my office, as I made a mistake in writing the product from the reaction of Fe(NO3)3 (aq) + NaOH(aq).

14 thoughts on “11. Friday, October 2, 2009

  1. Debra Moreta

    Hello Prof.

    I was just wondering if for the future there could be OWL review assignments for the material to be on future exams. Or maybe even assign specific problems the night before that will be useful to study with. Thank you

  2. Marlee McGurl

    Hi Professor,

    I have heard mixed things on whether or not we have to know redox reactions, oxidation #s, etc. for this exam. Do we?

    Thank you!

  3. Prof. Knapp

    Hi Alyssa,
    You should definitely recognize the ‘secret’ acids and bases. But they are pretty easy to remember:
    nonmetal oxides are usually acids (eg: CO2)
    metal oxides are usually bases (eg: CaO)
    Ammonia may be the only deviation from the above, as NH3 is a base.

  4. alyssa shore

    Hi Professor,
    I am just wondering how much we need to know about the examples of chemical reactions you did in class. I know we need to know the demos and what not, but you did some other equations, such as secret bases and secret acids, should we know things like that?

  5. Katherine Daley

    Hi Professor,
    Just wondering, If we submitted owl assignments during the grace period, will there be any way of seeing that you received them through the site?

  6. chem111-mjknapp Post author

    Hi Jonathan,
    The calculator must have nothing in memory. Graphing or non-graphing is not an issue.

  7. Jonathan Aprile

    Professor Knapp,

    I know we are allowed to use calculators on the exam, but are there any restrictions as to which kinds we are allowed to use? (ex. graphing, scientific…)

  8. Tim Groves

    Hi Professor Knapp,

    Was wondering if we had to know all of the prefixes of the metric system(giga, pico, nano, etc..) for the exam?


  9. Shawn Hakimi

    Hey Professor,

    Was just wondering if TA’s of tutors will be available on saturday / sunday in the CRC too. I asked this already but couldnt find my comment.


  10. Kristine Hughes

    Hey professor,
    I was wondering if we knew the format of them exam? I’m assuming it will be a lot of short answer (chemical reactions), but will there be any long answers or T/F questions as well?

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