18. Monday October 19, 2009

Matter waves, Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation
1. Read chapter 6 (282-287)
2. OWLs due Thursday

3. Blogging points on Exam II for postings between the end Oct 5 and nov 6: Get 1 point for posting a comment/question; Get 2 points for answering a question.  max of 4 bonus points on Ex II

Oct 19

Oct 19

14 thoughts on “18. Monday October 19, 2009

  1. Alex Salvaggio

    the optional homework is just for extra practice. If i’m correct, these points are not counted towards your homework.

  2. Adam Raymond

    The ml (m sub l) quantum number tells you how the orbital is oriented. So if l tells you the shape of the subshell, a dumbbell for example can be oriented along the x, y or z axis. In other words, the dummbell lobes can be on the top and bottom, left and right, or front and back. That information (orientation) is what the ml quantum number tells you.

  3. Curt Harrington

    To Ruby:

    You can complete them 24 hours after the posted due time

    ex. due thurs @ midnight ( grace per. till fri midnight)


  4. Mariam Paracha

    To Alex,
    You can find all constants on looking up on “Fundamental Constants” from appendix. In just a case that you still can’t find it, Rydberg Constant ( R) is 1.097 x 10^7 m^-1.

  5. Mariam Paracha

    At Danielle, Yes, your lab should be meeting today. I have same situation as yours. My lab was supposing on Tuesday of last week but we had to follow Monday’s schedule on last tuesday. I went to my lab today. Hope you went urs today.

  6. Ruby Hoy

    I was wondering, does anyone know how late you can do the OWL assignments and still get credit for them?

  7. Danielle Funk

    I’m in the Tuesday lab which got skipped last week since we had a Monday schedule. Does that mean my lab is meeting today instead?

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