The makeup for Exam 2 will be on Tuesday, November 10 at the very popular time of 8:00AM – 9:00AM. This is due to the limited availability of rooms for testing use.
It will be in ISB 221.
It will be 26 questions, multiple choice in format. Bring pencils and a calculator.
Does anyone want to study for the make up exam? If so, facebook me.
if you scroll up on the Home page there’s a post that’s called “answers to exam 2”
click on the EXAMS link on top right of blog…I thought.
Yeah I can’t find them either. I looked under exams and pretty much every other area, but no exam answers.. help? Hopefully I’m not going crazy and they just really aren’t on here.
so I just got an email about saying that the answers for the exam today were posted but I can not seem to find them on here. If anyone could help me out that would be great, thanks.