12 thoughts on “37. Monday, Dec. 7, 2009 Exam 3

  1. chem111-mjknapp Post author

    Hi Mike,
    The exam will cover Chapter 8 and Chapter 9.1. 9.2. But there are things that should be familiar to you from early in the semester that can help you on this exam – for example, knowing which group oxygen is in. So I would definitely focus on the relevant chapters, and the assigned HW, to prepare.

  2. Michael DiBenedetto

    How much do we have to know from Ch. 7 and before, to succeed in the third exam?
    Thank you

  3. chem111-mjknapp Post author

    Hi Shahzad,
    there will be no sheet relating molecular shape to hybridization. You will need to know how to think about hybridization, geometry, bond polarity –> and molecular polarity. So tear into the book homework (answers are posted for Ch 8 and Ch 9). For more practice in visualizing shapes, make models of the basic electron-pair geometries (sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2 hybridized) using marshmallows and toothpicks, or whatever else you can ‘scavenge’ from the dining commons.

  4. Shahzad Master

    yes, are there going to be any charts provided as to what kind of shapes are formed with so and so bonding pairs and so and so lone pairs. or are we expected to know all of the shapes.31

  5. chem111-mjknapp Post author

    Hi Kyle and Alexander,
    I will get through chapter 9, section 1 and 2 for sure. They will definitely be on the exam. And you’ll need to imagine the 3-D shapes of molecules. I know that is hard, but it is an absolutely crucial skill to working with molecules (especially if you’re a biochemist).

  6. Alexander Assetta

    He said in class on monday that whatever he covers as of friday will be on the exam but that doesn’t necessarily mean just the first two sections.

  7. Kyle MacNichol

    So just to be absolutely correct, only sections 1 and 2 will be covered from ch. 9?

    And the test will be the same format as the previous tests?

    And to reiterate/rephrase Patricia’s question…what information/charts/etc will we get for the test?

    thank you!

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