Daily Archives: December 29, 2009

Grades Updated

Grades are loaded on OWL and SPIRE.

There were alot of good grades!  I went as low as 68.5% to give “C”, in order to be sure than anybody on that C/C- boundary got the benefit of the doubt.


Grading scale:

score    n                    grade
>540    48    16%    A
>530    11    4%    A-
>519    18    6%    B+
>479    46    15%    B
>474    8    3%    B-
>470    10    3%    C+
>411    80    27%    C
>396    17    6%    C-
>336    31    10%    D
38    13%    F

Points came from:

1) exams + blog (70% of points): 420 points (100 per MT, 120 for final; up to 5 extra points added for blog participation).

The lowest MT was replaced by a better final (on a percentage basis!) as shown by the extra column of numbers in the OWL Gradebook.

2) Lab (17% of points) 100 points

3) OWL (10% of points) 60 points.

4) PRS (3% of points) 20 points.


Letter grades have been placed on SPIRE

Letter grade regions will be pretty close to traditional percentages, but this is key:  you need a passinge exam average to pass the class. I accepted an exam average as passing if it were greater than 54%.