Category Archives: Chapter 7, 21

22. Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Class starts 5 minutes late!  Please enter from the rear doors, and be ready for lecture at 1:30.

Atomic properties and Introduction to bonding
1. Read chapter 7 (319-330)
2. Ionization Energies
3. OWLs due Thursday and Sunday

Oct 28

Oct 28

EXAM 2: Friday, Nov 6 in class.  Bring pencils and a calculator.  The exam will cover all material not on the first exam, up through Nov 4.

21. Monday, October 26, 2009

Electron configurations of ions, Magnetic properties
1. Read chapter 7 (313-318)
2. OWLs due Thursday

Oct 26

Oct 26

It worked!

Z* (Z effective) is an important predictor for periodic trends as you move from left to right across a period.  Think about the different reactitivities of Na and Cl – one has a small Z*, and wants to give away an electron; the other has a large Z*, and wants to gain another electron.

20. Friday, Oct. 23, 2009

Electron spin, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Electronic configurations af atoms
1. Read chapter 6 (291-295) and chapter 7 (305-314)
2.  OWLs due Sunday

Major technical difficulties today.  We covered the lecture material with a combination of chalk, document camera, and one slide of PPT…