Most of the course homework will be delivered through the OWL system. Any problems with OWL should be reported through OWL, as you’ll get help fastest that way. Most assignments are due at midnight on Thursday or Sunday. There is an automatic 24 hour grace period built into each due date. If you finish a problem in the 24 hours after the due date, it will appear as a “?-” in OWL, but you will receive full credit at the end of the semester. The credit for assignments completed within the grace period will ONLY be given at the END of the semester.
If you need access to a computer, you can do so through the Chemistry Resource Center (CRC), or by using your own computer. Check the links below…
who do i talk to about my lab grade..
I was just wondering when you were going to push back the due dates to see how many we have missed. Also I was wondering about the lowest 10-15% dropped. Is it an individual’s lowest scores, and not the ones the class did the lowest on?
I was also wondering if you plan on re-opening the OWLs to be worked on? Thanks
Are there going to be any more owls posted, or are the ones that are up now the only ones we’ll have to complete by the end of the semester?
hello professor,
I am also in the same boat as Emily taking 20 credits. I feel that would be very helpful.
But also, you say there are owls due thursday, but no owls are showing up when I log into owl saying that there are any due thursday. Have you not posted them or is there something wrong with my owl?
Thank you!
the f orbital hold 14 electrons ( 7 orbitals )
Professor Knapp,
I know this is a long shot but I was wondering if you would consider re-opening up the owls at the end of the semester, even if just for a night? I am taking 20 credits this semester and while that is no excuse not to get the work done, I have missed more than I feel comfortable with. I understand we do have the one day grace-period which is great but I thought I would throw the request out there. Thanks for your time.
how many electrons can be held in a “f” orbital?
which OWLs relate to exam #2?