Exam 2 Makeup

The makeup for Exam 2 will be on Tuesday, November 10 at the very popular time of 8:00AM – 9:00AM.  This is due to the limited availability of rooms for testing use.

It will be in ISB 221.
It will be 26 questions, multiple choice in format.  Bring pencils and a calculator.

26. Exam II

****TEST # 2 ***** ***During Regularly Scheduled Class***

Answers for Exam 2:  ExamView – Test2, 2009


1)The material covered for this exam was more difficult than that of the first exam – it is normal for the scores to be a little lower.  Average = 64, as calculated below. I will post a histogram tomorrow.

2) The exam scores were calculated as follows:  (# correct)x(4) + 4 = score.

3) one question was worded poorly, so I gave everybody 4 points for that question (see above)

4) the exam answer key had a mistake on each exam form: The correct answer to ion radius is Br- (Form A, #14; varies from form to form).  This mistake was corrected prior to calculating the scores above.

5) In order to help normalize scores, I will do the following: Your percentage score on the final exam will replace that of your lowest midterm, provided that this will improve your score. (eg: MT = 62/100, final = 90/120.  Your MT score would get dropped, and replaced by a “75”.)