Exam, Blog points, PRS

The exam grades are listed in OWL.  Letter grades will not be assigned until the end of the semester.

I have given you 1 point if you posted to the blog prior to exam one.  There are a few postings which I cannot attribute to specific students (did you know that there are four alyssa’s in the class?), so please send me another post so that I can figure out who you are.

PRS points will be fixed at the end of the semester.  I will drop the lowst 10%.  Then I will look to see if mechanical failures occurred, and whether fixing the points would affect your credit.

14. Friday, October 9, 2009

Heat flow, Enthalpy
These are challenging concepts, so don’t slack on working the problems:

1. Read chapter 5 (223-229)
2. OWL due Sunday (5.4, 5.5, 5.6)
3. Nag has new hours for the CRC (Mon 6:30-7:30)
4. The exam results are available!

Here’s the lecture from today. See a gummy bear bite the dust…

Oct 9

Oct 9