TA / SI help

We have a TA for our course!  His name is Nagarjuna, but he goes by “Nag.”


Nag will be in the CRC each week to helpyou:

Mondays, 6:30-7:30

He’ll also be in lecture to help facilitate small group discussions, and might even be your lab TA if you are in section 3, 4, 5, or 6.  He can be most helpful in person, just before or after class; but he can also be contacted at g.nagarjuna’at’gmail.com

Here are three places to help you master this course:LRClogo

The Learning Resource Center provides supplemental instruction.  There will be one SI leader for each of the three Chem 111 sections – so a total of three SI leaders!  Their content coverage will be very similar, and this means that you can go to the SI section which is the right combination of convenience and registry with my lectures.

SI Sessions in 1367 DuBois Library:

Sect 3: (Emily) Tue 7:15-8:30 PM; Thur 8:45-10:00 PM
Sect 1,2: Wed. 5:45 – 7
Sect 1,2: Thurs. 4:15-5:30
Sect 1,2:  Sun. 5:15-6:30
Special session: Sun 7:00-8:00PM 1320


The Chemistry Resource Center is staffed by teaching aides (TAs) from the Chemistry Department.  ISB 325


TA hours in the CRC:  Nag will be there Monday 6:30 – 7:30.

Other TAs are present Mon – Fri Noon – 10:00 pm!


Prof. Knapp has office hours on Thursdays,  1 – 3 pm in the CRC (third floor of ISB)

4 thoughts on “TA / SI help

  1. Robert Kane

    Dear Emily,

    is the any possibility you could post the answer sheet to the SI practice test online? it would be greatly appreciated!

    Robert Kane

  2. chem111-mjknapp Post author

    Note the new TA office hours: Nag will be in the CRC weekly: Monday 6:30-7:30

  3. Brendan Dugan

    Hi Nag,
    I think i talked with you earlier about missing the lab last week, I was unable to find your email but hopefully you’ll get this. Is there a chance I can make it up this week?
    Thanks, Brendan

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